Manufacturers compliance standards & certifications

We have all the needed manufacturers compliance standards and certifications such as CE, FDA, ISO45001, ISO19001, and ISO24001. We are also compliant with TUV and HACCP.

Our products are made of the highest quality materials and are engineered to the highest international standard, super clean technology, no oil, very good smelling, and no residual. We are looking to appoint selected distributors on a state, county, city, or country basis.


Our products are made of the highest quality materials and are engineered to meet or exceed international standards. Our company has always strived for excellence, which is why we promise only high-quality goods that will last a lifetime. We make sure all of our customers have an amazing experience with us!

GreatWhip, the cream charger supplier from China, has over ten years of experience in the business. With state-of-the-art machines that are fully automated, they can produce more than 40 million units per month. We offer over 50 flavors, including mint, blueberry, strawberry, and watermelon, while also providing 580g chargers.

Product Ranges

We are searching for qualified selected distributors on a state, county, city, or country basis.

We offer cutting-edge products with the highest quality and our customer demand has been growing day by day. Our products are the market leader in quality, and we have our customers’ demands met with a cost-effective pricing structure. As distributors, you can easily access stock, available either in bulk or small quantities.


We’re Here To Get Your Quote

Contact Form

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Phone: + 86 13612982115 Email: Webshop:

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Warehouse base on US/UK/AU/DE/BE 24/7 Service, Reply in a hour

Ready To Reach New Cooperation? Let's Get There

Our customer types: wholesalers, distributors, brands, factories, retailers

To become a distributor— you must be currently registered with your relevant government tax departments and provide the registration details on request. You should also prove that you are ambitious and can handle high order numbers.

To become a distributor – you should be actively be involved in one or more of the following sectors; food and beverage, medical supplies; beauty procedures; life-saving equipment; sports equipment; and leisure activities, including sports.

Your company must be willing to grow and send us your business growth plans and supply the information on how we can help facilitate this. We are looking for wholesale cream charger & dispenser distributors/partners worldwide. Furthermore, we have exclusive country distributorship rights to find the right company based on your current status and where you reside.

Make GreatWhip Your Powerful Manufacturer of Cream Charger

If you have any questions or queries, A GreatWhip member will be always happy to help. Feel free to contact us by telephone or email.